
Where to Find Us

Our Program meets every Saturday (weather permitting) from 8:00am to 10:00am at the Metropolitan Golf Links in Oakland, CA. The address is 10051 Doolittle Drive, Oakland, CA 94603.  

The official program schedule is published on TeamSnap. We will begin the 2024 season on the 20th of January 2024.

Promptness is important. Kids are expected to be present and signed in not later than 8:00am on Saturday mornings when the program is in session. When the program concludes at 10:00am, parents are expected to promptly sign out their juniors. 

We use TeamSnap for announcing program cancellations and schedule changes due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances. We typically send these announcements Friday afternoon or early Saturday morning to the entire membership. Look for them before heading out to the Metropolitan Golf Links.

Once accepted into MJGP, parents will receive an email invite to TeamSnap. Parents must sign in and maintain their contact information in the TeamSnap roster in order to receive updates from the program. Parents are responsible for maintaining their contact information in the TeamSnap roster while they are members of MJGP.

The Metropolitan Junior Golf Program (MJGP), 10051 Doolittle Avenue, Oakland, CA 94603                                                                                                  Contact Us